CMS 136 Radio Broadcasting

Big 3 Recording Industry Companies

Posted in Uncategorized by ProfW on September 24, 2013

Research one of the Big 3 companies we discussed in class and post the following:

1.  Annual profits

2. List some labels and some of the countries they operate in

3.  Include a link to their internship page OR a link to an independent record label that may be a competitor to the corporation.

Radio Industry Research Assignment — due Oct. 31st

Posted in Uncategorized by ProfW on September 24, 2013

You have two options for the Assignment, which is due October 31st.

1. Attend the Democracy Now! trip October 25th and write a short report.


2.  The FCC White Paper assignment (see below)


Assignment:  Write a 3-page or 10-slide Powerpoint presentation on one of the communication issues we’ve addressed thus far in class that you think the FCC should address.  You may work alone or in pairs.  Possible topics include:


–Diversity in Media Ownership

–Low Power FM Radio Stations

–Broadband Access to Students

–Communication in Emergency Situations


A White Paper is an authoritative report on an issue that proposes a policy to solve a particular problem.


Each paper or presentation should have the following:


1. Statement of Problem (Example:  Students do not have adequate broadband access to the Internet.  Cite source.)

2.  Impact on Defined Population  (This impacts in particular lower income students.  Cite source.)

3.  Suggested Solution (We propose the following:  law, regulation and/or funding program?)

4.  Rationale for Solution  (Explain why this is the appropriate solution to the problem)

5.  Benefit to Defined Population (Who will this benefit specifically, why and how?)

6.  Works Cited  (This MUST include the FCC website and the textbook)


Grading rubric:  This assignment is worth 10 points and is given equal weight as a quiz.  Assignments will be graded using the following rubric:

–Quality of research and argument (5 points)

–Professionalism of presentation and argument (5 points)

Black Radio Research

Posted in Uncategorized by ProfW on September 17, 2013

Pick one of the following and post at least 3 links and3 facts about the person/organization:

1. Eddie O’Jay

2. Marconi

3. RCA



6. Frankie Crocker


8. Harold Jackson

9. Herb Kent

10. Black Music Association


Radio Industry Research

Posted in Uncategorized by ProfW on September 10, 2013

Pick one (1) radio company from the list and post on their corporate holdings.  Make sure to post the following:

–How many radio stations do they own?

-What other media do they own?

–What is their annual profit or earnings?

–Who is on their board?

–What countries or major markets do they own radio stations in?


Clear Channel

2. Sirius XM Satellite

3. CBS Corp.

4. Citadel Broadcasting .

7. Univision Communications

8. Cox Enterprises

10. Walt Disney Co.